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Glinka museum

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Music lovers and interested in Russian music might be fascinated with a unique collection of musical instruments of both Russian and foreign craftsmanship.  Glinka museum is one of the  largest centers of music culture, musicology, the history of music  as well as an authoritative scientific institution.  The display features musical instruments from all the regions of Russia, as well as folk and professional instruments from more than 50 foreign countries. The unique collection includes Novgorodian gusli of the XIII-XIV centuries, traditional Russian folk instruments such as balalaikas and domras, a violin made by the great Antonio Stradivari (XVIIth century)donated to the museum by David Oistrakh's family; unique lutes, mandolins and guitars, including a guitar owned by Fyodor Chaliapin. One of the most unique exhibits put on display  is  the first electrophonic instruments, Termenvox, whose inventor Lev Termen demonstrated its sound to Lenin.
The visitors can not only see rare instruments but also hear some  music pieces recorded or even played by one of the guides.
Various temporary exhibitions dedicated to anniversaries of Russian composers, singers, musicians are held at the museum  and can tell you more about Russian music culture.
 We can book a tour with the local guide and our Moscow guide will translate the tour for you.

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