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Mors is a popular Russian drink made of sweetened berry juice mixed with water. Most traditional mors is prepared on the basis of cranberries, but you can also taste mors made of blackcurrant, raspberry, sea-buckthorn, cowberry and other berries of the season.

The story of this Russian beverage goes back to medieval Russia, the word "mors" originally meant 'water with honey'.  Mors is not only a popular refreshing drink but it can be used as a remedy. Thus a cowberry drink is a good cold cure, cranberry juice is known as an antipyretic, bilberry mors is good for eyes.
You can try mors during your Moscow tours but it's easy to make it at home.

Cranberry - 150 g
sugar or honey - 90 g
water - 600 ml
1.    Crush the cranberries with a wooden spoon, drain the juice
2.    Mix the smashed cranberries with water, let it boil for 5 min, add sugar
3.    Cool down the drink and strain.
4.    Add cold cranberry juice to the drink

Most is a must to try during your stay especially if you have three days in Moscow.
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