
The salad was first mentioned in the early 19th century during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The name of the salad comes from the French "vinaigre" (vinegar), as at that time the salad was dressed with vinegar, olive oil, and salt. The salad has no meat so in the past it was ideal during lent and other numerous religious fasts. It also contains only cheap ingredients so everyone could afford to cook it.
This salad is quite simple but still popular among locals. You may find it in such chain Moscow cafes as Mu-Mu or Grabli where you will possibly go during your three day Moscow tour.
3-4 Potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1beet,1 onion, 100 grams of tinned peas, ½ cup sauerkraut, olive or vegetable oil, parsley ( decoration ).
1. Boil potatoes, carrots and beet, peel them and cut into cubes
2. Chop cucumbers and onion.
3. Mix all ingredients with peas and sauerkraut, dress with oil, and decorate with parsley.
You'll have numerous opportunities to taste this salad while in Russia with Moscow tour guide.