The rule of the leaders succession

Of course, by the word "bald" we understand not only completely bald politians such as Nikita Krushchev, but also a person having relatively small amount of hair with large bald spots (f.i. Vladimir Putin)
Nickolas I was almost bald, especially towards the end of his time in power. His son Alexander II had a very large head of hair, but the next emperor - Alexander III - was completely bald. The last of the Romanovs - Nicholas II - was hairy.
How did this rule work in the 20th century?
Lenin was bald
Stalin had hair
Khrushchev was completely bald
Brezhnev had hair
Andropov was nearly bald
Chernenko had hair.
Gorbachev is bald
Yeltzin had hair
Putin is growing bald
Medvedev has hair
Putin is growing bald
This joke probably doesn't have a single author. It is difficult to determine when this paradox was described for the first time. The pattern became widely known during the reign of Leonid Brezhnev when enough material for reflection had already been accumulated. Initially, the chain began with Lenin and Finished with Brezhnev. But it was so surprising to discover that the rule of "bald and hairy" leaders work even in the modern Russia.
Moscow Curious Facts

Moscow population
Today Moscow is the biggest city in Europe. The population of Moscow is 10,5 million people.

Moscow parks
Moscow is a very green city. More than 40 percent of its territory consists of parks, gardens and forests.

Moscow metro
Moscow metro is the most frequently used public transport in Moscow both for Muscovites and tourists.

Moscow subway
The deepest station of the Moscow metro is "Park Pobedy", 84 meters, the height of a 28 storey building

Metro announcements
While navigating Moscow metro you can always determine the direction of the train by the gender of the announcer.

Summer 2010 beat all temperature records
Summer 2010 will be remembered by Muscovites and Moscow guests with abnormal high temperatures.

Moscow fountain with drinking water
There are more than 700 fountains in Moscow, but there is only one with drinking water.

Moscow winters
The coldest temperature ever recorded in Moscow was −42В°C. It happened in January 1940.

What unusual monuments can Moscow boast of?
Have you heard of such monuments as "Give way to the ducklings",a crow and a fox with melted cheese "Friendship" or Children are the victims of adults' vices?

Unusual Moscow trains
Moscow metro is famous not only for its exquisite design and interior but also for its unique trains.

Moscow McDonalds
Would you agree to stay in line for 6 hours to get to McDonalds? This is what many Muscovites did in 1990.

Monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius
What monument in Moscow has 5 spelling mistakes in the inscription?
Organ evenings in Kuskovo
"Organ evenings in Kuskovo" is a series of concerts that is held on weekends in one of the most beautiful old estates in Moscow

Naughty bell
A very old political prisoner aged 300 lives in Moscow Kremlin. Who could it be?

7 curious facts and legends about 7 sisters.
What facts and legends have you heard about Stalin Sisters?

What does a number of cupolas on a church signify?
Have you ever questioned yourself, why some churches have 3 domes while other – five or even more?

Be careful, the house is moving!
Have you ever seen a house moving? Can you imagine a multi-storey building with tenants being moved tens of meters away?